

       中国甘肃国际经济技术合作总公司(简称“中甘国际”)是集国际工程总承包、进出口贸易、国际经济技术与劳务合作、医药制造、酒店管理、国际房地产开发、国内建筑工程总承包为一体的跨国经营公司,具有建筑工程施工总承包一级资质和商务部对外援助施工企业A 级资格,外交部驻外机构馆舍建设施工A 库企业,是甘肃省开展国外工程承包、经济技术合作时间最早、规模最大、信誉最好的企业之一,连续六年入选“全球最大250 家国际承包商”,是甘肃省唯一入选企业。
中甘国际始于1978 年,先后在亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲和美洲的40 余个国家和地区,建成了一大批在国际上有较大影响和高质量的经援工程和承包工程。其中,多哥人民联盟之家工程荣获“国际墨丘利和平金像奖”,津巴布韦国家体育场工程被誉为“中津两国人民世世代代友好的纪念碑”,科特迪瓦国家剧场项目被胡锦涛总书记誉为“中科友谊的象征、南南合作的硕果”,安哥拉电视制作中心和行政大楼工程被称为安哥拉“最具现代气息的标志性建筑”。
品味网就是我司力创的商贸网上平台,自主进口高品质、绿色健康的产品,包括从世界优质产区进口的葡萄酒、牛羊肉以及特色工艺品等,主打产品为葡萄牙Herdade Do Esporao酒庄和澳洲堡蓝迪的红洒以及澳大利亚YG级牛肉。


Brief Introduction of

China Gansu International Corporation for Economic and Technical Cooperation

China Gansu International Corporation for Economic and Technical Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "CGICOP") is a multinational diversified group engaging in international project contracting, import & export trade, economic &technological cooperation, labor service collaboration and overseas real estate development. Being honorably entitled to the certificates of Grade A General Contractors of Housing Construction, Grade A Decoration Engineering Company, and Grade A China-Aid Project Construction Enterprise by the Ministry of Commerce, CGICOP has been listed as one of the largest and most famous enterprises in Gansu province with the longest duration participating in the overseas project contracting and economical & technical cooperation. Meanwhile, CGICOP is also the only enterprise in Gansu province which has been listed among the Top 250 International Contractors by ENR for six consecutive years.
Beginning with construction of the China-aid project of in 1978, CGICOP has developed the business of project contracting, economic & technical cooperation, labor service and import & export trade in about 40 countries and regions of Asia, Africa and Oceania, and accomplished a large number of projects with great reputation and high quality during more than 30 years development. Among these projects, "La Mansion du Rassemblement du Peuple Togolais" won the prize "Golden Mercury International". Zimbabwe National Stadium was praised by Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, as "the monument to the friendship of people between China and Zimbabwe from generation to generation". National Theater of Côte d'Ivoire was honored as "the symbol of friendship between China and Côte d'Ivoire, the fruit of South-South Cooperation". The TV Production Center and Administration Complex in Republic of Angola showed the highest level of modern architecture design in Angola.
www.CGICOP-pinwei.com is the online trading platform created by our company. We independently import high-quality, green and healthy products, including wines, beef and mutton from the world's high-quality wine regions, as well as special crafts, etc. Our main products are Red wine from Herdade Do Esporao winery in Portugal and Brundee in Australia, YG grade beef from Australia
Welcome customers to purchase and negotiate cooperation!
ADD: No.575 Xijin East Road, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province,P.R.China
Tel:  0931-8321069
Email: 592822416@qq.oxm
Web:  www.cgicop-pinwei.com

Herdade Do Esporao庄园(葡萄牙 Portugal winery)

鸿运威豪红葡萄酒(干红)Monte Welho Red (Dry Red)
鸿运阿兰堤祖珍藏红葡萄酒Esporao Red Reserve
鸿运派克红葡萄酒Pe Red

2018 Brundee Bin18 系列设拉子加本力苏维翁干红葡萄酒 Cabernet Saucignon

2018 Brundee Bin18 系列加本力苏维翁梅洛干红葡萄酒Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot
2018 Brundee庄园系列设拉子加本力苏维翁干红葡萄酒Shiraz Cabernet Saucigno
2018 Brundee庄园系列加本力苏维翁梅洛干红葡萄酒Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot

澳洲进口牛肉(Australia Beef)

澳洲进口牛肉(Australia Beef)

澳洲进口牛肉(Australia Beef)

金泰杯茉莉香米5KG (Jintaibei Thai Jasnine Rice

非洲工艺品 (African Crafts)

非洲工艺品 (African Crafts)


    公服平台服务热线:0931-7366895 中国(兰州)跨境电商综合试验区行业监督热线:0931-8856100 sswjwmk@126.com